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Hoory Live-Chat Integration with Docusaurus

Hoory has an official integration with Docusaurus using the plugin @hoory/docusaurus-plugin. This plugin enables Hoory live-chat widget in Docusaurus powered websites.

To install the plugin, follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. Add the plugin to your project.
yarn add @hoory/docusaurus-plugin


npm install @hoory/docusaurus-plugin --save
  1. Configure the plugin in docusaurus.config.js
// docusaurus.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ["@hoory/docusaurus-plugin"],
themeConfig: {
hoory: {
websiteToken: "Your website inbox token",
baseURL: "", // optional
enableInDevelopment: false, // optional
hoorySettings: {
hideMessageBubble: false,
position: "left", // This can be left or right
locale: "en", // Language to be set
useBrowserLanguage: false, // Set widget language from user's browser
darkMode: "auto", // [light, auto]
type: "expanded_bubble",
launcherTitle: "Chat with us",